Tuesday, March 06, 2007

TWiSt - MAKE YOUR OWN HOLLYWOOD Seminar - 20% Discount

Hey TWiSters,

Have I got a deal for you!  Award-winning filmmaker-distributor
David Heavener is hosting a ONE DAY SEMINAR on March 10 to discuss how to make movies that make money!  As you all know, I recently produced my first feature film, DESERT OF BLOOD (www.desertofblood.com), and have had a tremendous time doing so.  I had the pleasure of speaking to David about my project and the advice he gave was extremely helpful.  The conversation was so insightful that I have enrolled to take his ONE DAY SEMINAR on March 10 and wanted to spread the news to anyone  who has questions about how to make movies in Hollywood that make money!

The enrollment fee is $249 per person but if you register on or before March 9 you will automatically receive a
20% discount!  I have included a copy of the flyer and registration form.  Be sure to let them know that you were referred by TWiSt when submitting registration.

Don’t hesitate to enroll as space is
VERY LIMITED and the information you will garner is positively invaluable!  Hope to see you there!
